What’s it like to live in Sonrisa?
Lesson 1:
Core subjects: Geography
Description: Meet the Better World Detectives and discover the marine mystery you need to help them solve.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should be taught to understand geographical similarities and differences.”
Why are there fewer fish in the sea?
Lesson 2:
Core subjects: Geography, English
Description: Find out what impact we’re having on our seas.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should be taught to describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including the distribution of natural resources.”
Who needs the beach and why?
Lesson 3:
Core subjects: Geography, Design & Tech
Description: Join the Better World Detectives in problem solving the issues affecting the beaches of Sonrisa.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should be taught to describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including land use.”
Why are the coral reefs losing their colour?
Lesson 4:
Core subjects: Geography, Science
Description: Discover what’s happening to the coral reefs and what you can do to stop it.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should be taught to describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including biomes.”
How can your holiday help local people?
Lesson 5:
Core subjects: Geography, English, Debate
Description: Explore all the different people and jobs related to sustainable tourism.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should be taught to describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including economic activity.”
How can tourism be sustainable?
Lesson 6:
Core subject: Geography
Description: Pioneer the world of sustainable travel and lead others to travel responsibly.
National Curriculum link: “Pupils should communicate geographical information in a variety of ways.”