Luggage allowance
Your luggage allowance will vary depending on what type of holiday you book with us.
Package holidays flying with TUI Airways
Flying with other airlines
If you're flying with another airline, you'll usually find details of your hand luggage allowance on your e-ticket or confirmation email. If you can’t see your luggage allowance, please contact your airline directly.
Flying with children
Flight only
Marella Cruises
TUI River Cruises
If you’ve booked a TUI River Cruises package with TUI Airways flights, you’ll get 25kg of luggage allowance per person. Just so you know, TUI Airways flights have a flight number that starts with TOM or BY.
You can take 1 piece of hand luggage per person weighing up to 10kg and with maximum dimensions of 55x40x20cm on a TUI Airways flight. You must be able to lift your hand luggage into the overhead storage compartments yourself. In addition to the piece of hand luggage you can also bring one small personal item, things like laptops, handbags or a briefcase and this must be small enough to be stored under the seat.
If your TUI River Cruise includes flights with a different airline, you’ll get up to 23kg. This varies by airline, and you’ll usually find details of your luggage allowance on your e-ticket or confirmation email.
Ski holidays
Extra luggage tips
Larger items
Why choose TUI flights
Fly local
Start your holiday sooner, with local flights from over 20 UK airports.
100+ destinations
Flexible flight times
More flight times and holiday durations, so you can tailor-make your trip.
Premium upgrades
Priority boarding and a bigger seat pitch are just some of the perks.
10kg hand luggage
...included as standard when you fly with TUI Airways.