Direct Debit booking terms and conditions

Direct Debit is only available for package holiday bookings made online 26 weeks or more before departure. A minimum of 3 Direct Debit payments are required.

Flight only and accommodation only bookings cannot be paid for by Direct Debit.

If you pay by Direct Debit we will provide you with a confirmation setting out the payment amounts and due dates by which these payments will need to be made by you. The bank account from which the Direct Debit payments are to be taken must be in the name of the lead passenger on the booking.

When is the Final Balance Due if I Pay by Direct Debit? As you are paying by Direct Debit, you'll make your final payment 10 weeks before your departure date.

What Happens if I Cancel my Direct Debit? If you cancel your Direct Debit you must inform us promptly so we can arrange an alternative payment method with you. If you have chosen to pay by Direct Debit and a low deposit is payable, you will still be required to pay the full deposit if you do not make payments and either you cancel your holiday or we cancel due to your non-payment.

What if I Cancel my Holiday?

Our standard cancellation charges will apply.

If you have not made enough Direct Debit payments at the time you cancel, you will need to pay us any balance due to meet our standard cancellation charges.

If you have paid more than the amount due under our standard cancellation charges at the time of cancellation, we will refund you any difference.

If you have chosen to pay by Direct Debit and a low deposit is payable, you will still be required to pay the full deposit if you do not make payments, you cancel your holiday or we cancel due to your non-payment.

What are your Full Deposit Amounts?

£200 per person for short haul and beach holidays £200 per person for mid haul beach holidays £250 per person for long haul beach holidays

£200 per person for short haul cruise holidays £200 per person for mid haul cruise holidays £250 per person for long haul cruise holidays

What if I Want to Change my Holiday Booking? If you make changes to your booking, our standard amendment fees will apply. Some elements of your holiday may also be non-refundable (examples include, flights, room/board upgrades, attraction tickets, airport parking, excursions, transfers and children’s activities). These will be payable when you make your amendment and the following scenarios could also happen;

Increased holiday cost

If you amend your booking online or in store, any other additional costs which are due to be paid at the final balance date will be added to your Direct Debit schedule and the monthly payments will be recalculated. This will include, where the price of your amended holiday is more than your original booking.

If you amend your booking with agents in our contact centre, your Direct Debit payments will not be updated unless you request for them to be adjusted to reflect the increase in your holiday cost. If you don’t request this, you’ll need to pay for any additional costs by the final balance date via an alternative payment method.

Reduced holiday cost

If you amend your booking online or in store, our Direct Debit schedule will be updated and the monthly payments will reduce to reflect the new balance.

If you amend your booking with agents in our contact centre, the payments will not be updated unless you request for your Direct Debit schedule to be adjusted to reflect the decrease in your holiday cost. If you don’t request this, we will refund any overpayment made by you.

Later departure date

If you amend your booking online or in store, and move your holiday to a later date, your Direct Debit will remain valid and your Direct Debit schedule and the monthly payments will be recalculated.

If you amend your booking with agents in our contact centre, and move your holiday to a later date, the payments will not be updated unless you request for your Direct Debit Schedule to be adjusted to reflect any increase in your holiday cost. If you don’t request this, you’ll need to pay for any additional costs by the final balance date via an alternative payment method.

Closer departure date

If you move your holiday to a closer departure date, your Direct Debit might not be valid and you may be required to pay the full balance of the holiday, depending on when the new departure date is.

What Happens if my Initial Direct Debit Payment Fails?

Where the Direct Debit is the first payment to be made on your booking and we are unable to collect this, your booking will automatically transfer to our Standard Terms and Conditions. This means that you will be required to pay your holiday’s full deposit within 24 hours of us notifying you that your Direct Debit payment has failed to keep your booking.

We will cancel the original Direct Debit mandate, and a new mandate will not be accepted until you have paid your deposit in full. If you do not pay your deposit within the 24-hour timeframe, we will cancel your holiday booking.

What Happens if any of my Subsequent Direct Debit Payments Fail?

If, after your initial Direct Debit payment has been made, we are unable to collect the same Direct Debit payment from you twice, we will cancel the Direct Debit mandate, and you will be required to make payment by another alternative method within 24 hours of us notifying you that your Direct Debit payment has failed.

If your booking has sufficient funds to cover your holiday’s full deposit, your booking will transfer to our Standard Terms and Conditions and you will need to pay the final balance 12 weeks before you travel.

If your booking does not have sufficient funds to cover your holiday’s full deposit, you will be required to make payment by an alternative method within 24 hours of us notifying you that your Direct Debit payment has failed. When you have made that payment your booking will transfer to our Standard Terms and Conditions. If you do not make this payment, your booking will be cancelled and our standard cancellation charges will apply.