Flights from East midlands to Malaga
Fly with us to Malaga and discover all it has to offerFlight information for East midlands to Malaga
Flight from East midlands to Malaga faq
Flying from East Midlands to Malaga will typically take a little under three hours. The average time of two hours and 55 minutes may change by five to 15 minutes, depending on wind and weather conditions.
Flight availability depends on when you're planning to travel. Malaga is a popular winter destination as well as a summer beach location, so you can visit all year round. Flights are offered on Sundays from November to March, and on Thursdays as well from April to October. Check out the TUI Flight Timetable for more details.
You'll usually head south east over Coventry to the Cotswolds, leaving the UK from Dorset near Portland Bill. Once across the Channel, you'll pass over Brittany and head down across the Bay of Biscay. This route generally flies over the Spanish coast north of Valladolid, and then turns south all the way down to Malaga.
The cheapest times to fly to Malaga are likely to be in December and February, closely followed by January and November. Even in the periods of peak demand in August and September you'll find some great deals.