Flights from Birmingham to Malaga
Fly with us to Malaga and discover all it has to offerFlight information for Birmingham to Malaga
Flight from Birmingham to Malaga faq
Flights from Birmingham to Malaga on Spain's Costa del Sol usually last just under three hours. The average flight time of two hours 55 minutes can change by up to 15 minutes, depending on the weather conditions and prevailing winds.
Flight departures depend on what time of year you want to travel. For instance, from November to March on this route journeys to Malaga are only offered on Sundays. From May to October you'll also be able to travel on Wednesdays and Thursdays. For more details, see the TUI Flight Timetable.
This route generally heads south west towards Cheltenham. You'll pass over the Cotswolds and leave the UK by the Dorset coast. You'll usually get a brief glimpse of Brittany before crossing the Bay of Biscay to Spain. Then it's a straight run down through central Spain to Malaga on the south coast.
You'll find most of the best bargains on flights from Birmingham in the winter months, from November to March. While you'll still find some good deals for travel to Malaga in the summer, flights are in highest demand in July.