Flights from Bristol to Alicante
Fly with us to Alicante and discover all it has to offerFlight information for Bristol to Alicante
Flight from Bristol to Alicante faq
Flying from Bristol to Alicante will typically take you a little over two hours, with an average of two hours and 20 minutes. This time can go up or down by several minutes depending on the wind and weather conditions.
Flight availability depends on what time of year you're planning to travel. On this route, journeys from Bristol to Alicante are generally offered on Saturdays from March to November. Check out the TUI Flight Timetable for more specific details.
The flight leaves Bristol to the south east over the Mendips. You'll cross the Channel east of Portland Bill, then pass through Normandy and the western edge of France. Entering Spain over the Pyrenees, you'll begin to turn west towards Valencia before landing at Alicante.
The cheapest flights to Alicante are likely to be in November, closely followed by October and March. May and September are the most popular months to travel on this route, but there are always great deals available.